TEP Energy
Energy efficiency - Today for a better future tomorrow.
TEP Energy offers studies, models and tools to research and analyse the technological, economic and political-regulatory influencing factors of energy efficiency in today’s building sector.
We helped TEP Energy to define their brand identity and market positioning. Based on their strategy we developed a strong new brand design - modern, solid and charming. A nice change in the serious-clean technological environment.
Colorful icons guide through their solutions and offerings.
The independent energy experts of TEP advise private companies and public authorities in all aspects about energy demand, energy efficiency and climate change of domestic and industrial areas. TEP develops models, tools and methods to research and measure for a more sustainable future.
TEP Energy was founded 2008 as an ETH spin-off company.
The team often works with tight deadlines. Flexible templates that can be changed easily come in handy for them and maintain a consistent, professional appearance.
The new website informs the reader instantly about their brand purpose and main services, offerings and multiple reference projects.
The TEP imagery shows close-up of nature combined with technological surfaces and details. The colourful secondary colour palette is used for illustrations to depict more complex and abstract topics.