The aesthetic-ethical image database
Unlock quantum technology to enable a better world
Different icons for a different bank
The interdisciplinary visual knowledge mapper
Energy efficiency. Today for the future of tomorrow.
A brand identity and communication strategy for the innovation lab of Basler Kantonalbank and Bank Cler.
Vivid and effective: images that convey the bank’s sustainable impact initiative.
A visual identity for culinary sailing tours.
A logo for a support program of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy
A children’s book from and about Basel.
Local products against a throwaway society
The pioneer of sustainable banking gets a new image concept and database.
New (self-)confidence for the association of the cantonal building insurances.
Our clients
Amphora Wineries AG,, Authentic Women Leadership Basel, AVANTI KV Weiterbildungen, Crome Communications, EnterIT, familea - Frauenverein Basel, Felecia Bartow Consulting, Heimatmuseum Davos, Hochschule Luzern, IWB, Keen Innovation AG, KULT ART by Helvetia, Little Green House, Christoph Merian Stiftung, Physiotherapie Schmitz, Qnami AG, Roche, Sarasin, TechLabs, TEP Energy GmbH, Tierschutz Basel, UBS Switzerland, Yapeal AG